This winter season, wave riders across Hawaii have a new challenge: the Hawaii Go Big Moment Contest. Unlike traditional clip contests, this unique virtual competition welcomes all man-powered wave riding vehicles, providing an inclusive platform for a diverse range of ocean enthusiasts.
Participants can submit clips featuring any wave-riding craft, from surfboards and boogieboards to wa’a (canoes), handplanes, and whatever creative ideas you may have. We're just saying, no sails, e-foils, or motors are allowed.
Submissions open on November 01, 2024!

must be 21 years or older to participate.
Ride can be on any man-powered, wave riding vehicle, including the human body. (ie. surfboard, boogie board, hand guns, wa’a, air mattress, etc.) - No kites, no foils. No engines.
Must be shot at a Hawai’i surf break. No wave pools.
Keep it organic. No AI clips accepted.

The Hawaii's Go BIG Moment virtual surf competition is offering an impressive $7,500 in cash prizes, with $5,000 awarded to the rider featured in the winning clip and $2,500 going to the individual who films it. Each month, judges will review entries and riders will also be recognized and receive prizes courtesy of our judges. Keep an eye out for these updates via Instagram!